Sunday, July 5, 2015

In Which We Discover the New Tunnel is Too Small

I've had this long cat playtunnel for years. I finally got it out for the kittens.

Only to discover that, despite Thimble's valiant efforts, it's too small. Notice in the second picture how he's having to push his body farther into the tunnel with his back feet rather than walking into it. 

Now it might fit Apricot, but the other problem with it was that it rustled. A lot. Horribly. I couldn't stand the rustling (which is why it took me so long to even try bringing it out) and oddly, none of my cats appreciate rustling stuff either.

So after they got bored with the novelty of it, which took all of ten minutes, I bundled it back up again and later that week dropped it off at the humane society shelter. Since it's vinyl they'll even be able to disinfect it regularly, a need for shelters that I learned at the shelter I got Apricot from. 

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