Friday, October 30, 2015

A Moth Has a Dreadful Adventure

One evening I opened the door briefly to toss an item into the recycle bin which sits on my porch. It is necessary to keep it out there due to overly curious kittens in here. They don't try to go outside when I do this; just sit and watch.

I closed the door and sat down to my supper, when something brushed by my hair. So it was that I was the first one to realize I'd let a moth into the house. Usually they notice before I do.

Great. Just great. I had horrible visions of Thimble leaping after the moth, trying in vain to catch it and leaving havoc wreaked in his wake.

Well, I tried to catch it. This was stupid of me because it attracted the attention of all the cats, who were in the kitchen anyway just in case my supper turned out to be delicious and deserving of longing gazes.

I managed to contact the moth with a hand, but not catch it. This made the moth a bit less likely to fly high and brought it down to about my waist height.

Whereupon Apricot leaped up in a single graceful bound, pinned the moth between his front paws, and brought it down to earth in one beautiful, deadly arc. He bent his head down to where his front paws rested together on the floor.

Colby and Thimble were fascinated! Apricot had caught something! Yes, yes he had! And he wasn't sharing! Come on, Apricot, share!

It wasn't a big moth. By the time they got over to him and started pestering him, he'd already eaten it. No sign of it anywhere.

This whole thing happened so fast that I kind of doubted that he'd even caught it and ate it, but the evidence speaks for itself--the moth was nowhere to be found after that.

Apricot may not know what to do with a mouse, or even with a scuttling insect, but he sure can catch flying insects.

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