Sunday, January 25, 2015

MetaCAT, Assemble!

Colby was on my lap. Colby is normally on my lap, if a lap is available and he hasn't previously been toasting himself silly on it.

Odd. Thimble is the one who is always with me, whatever I'm doing, but Colby is the one that's cuddly.

Anyway, as per usual, Thimble noticed my lap had just Colby in it, and came over to remedy the situation. He lay down next to me with his front paws, forearms, chest and head on my hip.

This is usual. Actually, it's a bit unusual in that Thimble didn't just sit on Colby, but I have been trying to prevent that, since then Colby leaves and I feel bad for him; after all, he was there first.

But what was really unusual happened next. Apricot comes strolling over and notices the situation. He jumps up onto the bookshelf that serves as a kind of window ledge next to the settee, walks along it to the arm of the settee, comes down onto the seat, walks across Colby, and settles himself between them!

Not only that, but he was facing me, his paws and chest and head on my leg like Thimble. This was such an amazing occurrence that I had to get the phone out and take a picture (or two or three, so as to get a good one).
It was only after I took the picture that I realized, they had assembled in C-A-T order, from left to right. (My mom says "they can spell!")

My metacat assembled itself!

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