Friday, September 16, 2016

Apricot and the Nap

I've been really tired lately (thus the dearth of posts) but I took some time off and I'm writing some of what happened while I was "gone." And when I know when it occurred, I'm dating it that date, but just know I'm writing this in October.

Back in September, I was home after work, next to the bed, setting up my work clothes for the next morning. Apricot jumped up on the bed. Okay, technically he climbed the stairs onto the bed. I don't know if his legs actually are short or if it just seems that way due to the presence of Thimble and Colby distorting my idea of "normal" for cat leg length, but I do know he prefers not to jump "up" anywhere he can climb. Luckily, most of my house is set up for climbing.

Anyway. Apricot's on the bed, which is right next to me, and he stays on the other side of it but within reach if I lean over. And I do mean lean over, like bend at the waist and practically lie on the bed. He likes this; it makes me look smaller to him and thus, less scary. While he's not really scared of me anymore, he does prefer things to be "less scary" even though.

So I did; I reached over and petted him briefly and then stood back up and continued what I was doing.

I had the feeling of critical eyes upon me and I looked over and found Apricot giving me the evil eye. I had not petted him long enough. Briefly was not the normal procedure for him being there, and I had failed in my duties.

Oops. I was just so tired, I knew I had to keep going or I'd ... stop. I leaned over again for a second scritch and pet, and explained that I was sorry, but I was just so tired. And then I laughed deprecatingly (or that's what it was meant to be) and said, "I know, I'm tired a lot lately."

Apricot leaned into my hands and began purring. Loudly.

Phooey on this. The clothes can be stacked for work some other time. I wanted to spend time with Apricot.

So I climbed up carefully onto the bed (so as not to alarm him) and laid down next to him. He laid down too, still purring. He doesn't like his paws trapped so I put my hand under his paw instead of on top,

He used his other paw to gather my hand even closer to him so it rested against the top of his head. This way I could feel him purring as well as hear it. The peaceful rumble came up my arm bones and through my ears as Apricot, happy and content, closed his eyes.

I didn't have a chance, as tired as I was. I closed my eyes too, only for a minute.

An hour and a half later I woke up, no Apricot to be found, no cats at all. I felt quite indignant about it. Am I so bad at taking care of myself that I require being tricked into a nap and then abandoned so I don't wake up from anybody's movement on the bed?

Don't answer that.

Everybody (all three) were actually waiting either on the floor in the bedroom or right outside it, which is why I think they'd stayed off the bed (normally Thimble would have been up there with me) in order to make sure I stayed asleep.


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