Monday, February 3, 2014

This means war ... well, probably not.

OOOOHHH that cat! I swear, why can't he just behave??

Okay, here's what happened. I get home after work, to be greeted by a purring, enthusiastic Max as per usual. He lets me turn the alarm off, but then he wants his ears scratched and will put his paws up on my leg to facilitate the petting. It's so cute. He misses me so much.

Yeah, he missed me. Can't play with all his toys and cat trees. No, this time he dodged all the set mousetraps in paperbags on the counter, ripped the aloevera plant up by the roots, and carried it onto the floor. (I suspect carry in his mouth rather than shove simply because that's what he does with everything; carries it around in his mouth like a frustrated mommy kitty.)

I only found it because there were green particles mixed in with the blue fuzzies scratched off one of his cat trees (the blue fuzzies annoy me, but they are allowable because he's supposed to play with the cat trees).

Big sigh. It's beautiful outside, but I'm exhausted after a long day at work. So instead of getting to sit down and rest, oh no, I have to get the vacuum cleaner out and vacuum up the shredded greenery and the blue fuzzies (bonus there; told you they annoy me). And I hate vacuuming because it's so loud. He hates it too. Maybe he'll put two and two together? (Plant on floor = vacuuming later.)

Of course, the silver lining is that he didn't completely destroy the plant. Most of it was still intact once I found it (sitting in plain sight on the kitchen floor four feet horizontally from its original location. I did have my glasses on. Possibly I need my eyesight checked anyway). So I dug a new hole in the dirt of the planter, put the aloe vera back in, and I am hoping for the best. Aloe plants are relatively sturdy and resist a lot of abuse (guess why little miss black thumb has one). Hopefully it'll re-root and grow. It wasn't doing well anyway so a little repotting can't hurt.

And the other silver lining was I don't think he ate any of it. I believe I would have seen evidence of tummy upset had he done so (granted, I missed an entire plant on the floor and the plant is like six inches in diameter, roughly). But he's not acting different.

Well, a little different. I was mad at him and expressed it by ignoring him with my body language while ranting (without increased volume, because that only scares him) at him with my voice. This always confuses him no end and he went up on the very top of the tallest cat tree and stayed there for a while. And then he wanted to play.

He may be big, and he may lack the inherent cuteness of a kitten that gets you to forgive anything, but I couldn't maintain my mad much longer than it took to clean up the mess.

I am a wimp.

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