I'm rather pleased with myself because I've already started an upper body workout, in direct anticipation of just such an event.
She sends me videos and pictures, and I'm getting quite addicted to randomly getting kitten "stuff" in my inbox or text message box. She stays up later than I do, so every few days I'll wake up in the morning, check my phone, and there will be new kitten stuff!
Cinder is being a very good mommy. She is such a good mommy that when her kittens couldn't all get to all her nipples at the same time to nurse, she propped herself up in the corner to allow better access. She looks very silly and very adorable at the same time!
Cinder making life easier for her kittens if not herself |
My sister says this is a problem you have when you have more cats than hands!
If I did this right there should be a kitten video at the end of this post. The top two are the two brown tabbies with white. Apparently they are always together now and love to play with each other. The other people are leaning toward getting the black and white (who is sleeping on the left in this video) and Mrs. McFadden is keeping the talkative brown tabby without white for her breeding program. So I may be getting the two that are friends, which would be perfect! (The other sleeping kitten is the tortoiseshell girl.)
I made the mistake of putting the laptop on the floor and playing the video full screen, with sound, for Apricot. He got quite worked up and wanted to know where those kittens were. He could hear them quite well, thank you very much, and knew there was no way they were in that stupid old laptop. They had to be somewhere in this house and he's been so lonely. Where were these kitties who could be friends? He didn't find them in the house so he concluded they must be (sigh) outside where he couldn't play with them.
On the one hand, I'm sorry I got him so worked up about it. On the other hand, it's nice to know that his instant response was to look for them and then be disappointed when he didn't find them. Makes me think that when they do arrive, he'll be happy to see them ...
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